

36 Uppsatser om Marginalization - Sida 1 av 3

Det tysta samtyckets motstånd : En systematisk litteraturstudie över elevinflytande i skolan

School activities are under constant discussion. This literatur study examines student participation and its relationship to democracy mission and the factors that contribute to students marginalized in school. The study also intends to examine the relationship between intersektionall analysis and the limitation of opportunities for student participation in school. The study results problematize the relationship between student participation and school democracy quests, this by highlighting the challenges and difficulties the school faces. Our results also strengthen the relationship between the study theory and Marginalization of students and the limitation of opportunities for student participation..

Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter

A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents.

DET HÄR ÄR OCKSÅ GRAFISK DESIGN - Ett bidrag till diskussionen om ornamentik, funktionalism och kvinnors marginalisering.

This thesis examines the relationship between the Marginalization of ornamentation during functionalist modernism and the effect it had on female graphic design practice. By examining the historiography from a gender and feminist theory of history I present a different way of interpreting, not only the history of graphic design but also the concept of graphic design. This thesis does not reach a conclusive result, instead it sets the foundation for further research and illustrates the opportunities that we as graphic designers have to benefit contemporary graphic design by critically reviewing and redefining our history through a diverse historiography..

Skönlitteratur som kulturell bro: om utländsk skönlitteraturs tillgänglighet på svenska

This study is an attempt to shed light on the importance of fiction as a bridge between different cultures and traditions. The objective of this essay is threefold. First it explores the potentiality of fiction as a communication channel between different cultures, societies and social groups. Secondly, it studies the availability of foreign fiction in Swedish language. And thirdly it tries to approach and analyze the structures and mechanisms behind that availability.

I den bästa av världar. En reflekterande uppsats om åtgärder för lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnors marginalisering inom sjukvården.

AbstractDet har i ett antal internationella undersökningar framkommit att HBT- personer har sämre hälsa än heterosexuella. I den förbindelsen har syftet med denna uppsats varit att diskutera kring vilka åtgärder som är möjliga för att förändra denna ohälsa, där jag har koncentrerat mig på särlösning kontra integrationsteorier. Jag har inriktat mig på lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnor inom HBT- området. Med hjälp av Nancy Fraser och Iris Marion Youngs teorier om erkännande eller omfördelning diskuteras särlösningen och integreringens fördelar och nackdelar. Problemet är att det vid särlösningar finns en risk för att lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnor fasthålls i sin marginalisering och att det inte arbetas med roten till problemet.

Medborgardriven stadsdelsutveckling- Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans

Through this thesis, we want to discuss how the Marginalization of people, several precedent political, city planning- and engineering decisions resulted in a catastrophic outcome after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005. We also put forward a case study of the Make It Right Foundation, to demonstrate how the residents of the Lower Ninth Ward are involved in the urban development of their community. We would like to draw attention to the power of citizens and how they can influence the urban development of a community after a trauma. This study also focuses on the mission of The Make It Right Foundation: which is to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward with firm concepts on sustainable development where all dimensions are accounted: ecological, social, cultural and economic. The empirical data was collected by a field study in New Orleans 2010-03-22 and semistructured interviews were made during the same days..

Unga romers skolsituation i Västerås i egenskap av nationell minoritet

Syftet med uppsatsen var att utreda romska ungdomars skolsituation i Västerås samt att föra en diskussion om studiens resultat i förhållande till Europarådets ramkonvention om nationella minoriteter. Syftet utreddes dels genom intervjuer med åtta romska elever och tre lärare därefter tolkades resultatet utifrån ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Vidare diskuterades resultatet med utgångspunkt i relevanta delar av ramkonventionen. Studien är kvalitativ och empirin analyserades genom en hermeneutisk tolkningsprocess. Vad som framkom i resultatet är att majoritetssamhällets etnocentrism påverkar unga romers skolsituation i Västerås eftersom romernas särskilda rättigheter i egenskap av nationell minoritet inte beaktas.

"En puff i rätt riktning"? : En intervjustudie om hur personer med olika länderbakgrund upplever arbetsmarknadsåtgärden Komjobb i Norrköpings kommun

The study sheds light on how individuals from different countries experience the labour action Komjobb. The study aim to examine in which consideration experiences of the action Komjobb differs among the participants. The study is based on eight qualitative interviews and analyzed by using the method of phenomenography. We have based this research on a theory about Social constructivism. Other theories that we have used are Bauman's theory about the changing value of work in the modern and postmodern society and Andersson's theory of unemployment as a social category.

Att hitta Ett hem vid världens ände: Om sexualitet och könsidentitet vid ämnesordsindexering av skönlitteratur.

This master thesis aims to examine the process of indexing fiction when it comes to area of sexuality and gender identity. The empiric work that forms the basis of the thesis are three investigations:(a) examining the current status of indexing fiction within the catalogues of six Swedish medium-sized libraries;(b) interviewing librarians who allocate the subject headings; and(c) an analysis of the Swedish subject heading system Att indexera skönlitteratur.This will be concluded with an analysis of the gathered material through queer theoretic standpoint with the help of critical classification and its inclusion through separation, and Marginalization where subjects that differs from the norm is included but only by being separated from the norm, or ignored totally. This will show that there are similarities with how different groups get treated within the classification systems and how they are treated in subject heading indexing. An example of this in Att indexera skönlitteratur is that heterosexuality never is mentioned in the subject heading but is always present as the silent norm, while gender identity is marginalized through exclusion of the subject heading, and related words are instead being included under sexual identity..

Den etniska segregationens två dimensioner. Fritt val eller stigmatisering av etniska grupper? -en diskursiv studie om etnisk boendesegregation från 70-tal till idag

In what way has the ethnic housing segregation changed from the 1970´s until today and has the politics concerning these matters dealt with the ethnic segregation as a phenomenon that occur due to free choices of ethnic groups or as a stigmatization and Marginalization of ethnic groups? To be able to find out what actual changes there are to be seen in the political measures regarding the ethnic housing segregation from the 70´s until today, I have made a discoursive investigation of some of the states official investigations from each of the decades. I chose to focus on a qualitative analysis and my theoretical framework consists of theories considering grouprights as well as structural and cultural explanations.I realize that the changes have been proportionately high retorically, but the actual changes have not been that obvious. I find a retorical development that has changed from the idea of the great impact of the immigrant in the ethnic segregation process, at the same time as huge differences between groups emerge, to establish a gap between us an them and a stigmatization of ethnic groups. The development somehow seems to have reconnected to the first stage.

Läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolan

This essay deals with how the development of society, the media society in particular, has an impact on the teaching of the subject of art. In the society of today, we are bombarded with more images than ever before. As an effect of this, the curriculum of 2011 emphasises the importance of the ability to orientate oneself in the modern society. Furthermore, it describes art not only as a practical subject, but also as a verbal and community-orientated subject. Because of sparse and dated research, the subject of art is in danger of Marginalization as a school subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate art teachers? conception of the aim of the subject of art.

Skådespelerskor i politiken : En innehållsanalys om mediers gestaltningar av kvinnliga och manliga politiker

As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gender power structures and its different forms. Present research shows the continuous development into other shapes and comes into different expressions that might be unrecognised. In order to gain knowledge about the present structure of the gender power structure system, the aim of this study was to investigate framing of female and male politicians in media. The main question asked was: ?are there framing differences in the portraits of the male and female politicians?? In order to achieve results articles in the biggest Swedish daily newspaper were examined.

En enfärgad regnbåge : Hur den homosexuella normen formas i HBT-magasinet QX

The HBTQ-society is not a homogeneous group; it contains a range of different sub-groups. QX is Sweden?s biggest magazine aimed at members of the HBTQ-society. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the magazine is more directed towards gay men or women ? both by examining how many men versus women appear in QX, but also by looking at the different ways in which the articles are more relevant to either men or women, such as by tone, language or choice of subjects.In this study, we have analyzed twelve issues of QX, from January 2012 to December 2012, in order to get the most current results as possible.

I huvudet på bildläraren

This essay deals with how the development of society, the media society in particular, has an impact on the teaching of the subject of art. In the society of today, we are bombarded with more images than ever before. As an effect of this, the curriculum of 2011 emphasises the importance of the ability to orientate oneself in the modern society. Furthermore, it describes art not only as a practical subject, but also as a verbal and community-orientated subject. Because of sparse and dated research, the subject of art is in danger of Marginalization as a school subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate art teachers? conception of the aim of the subject of art.

Att göra främlingar. Nation och sexualitet i dagens ryska homofobiska narrativ.

The topic of homosexuality was until recently a taboo in Russian public discussion, but has during the last years become a hotly debated issue. Analyzing what I call the new homophobic narrative I isolate and examine two ways of ?othering? homosexuals, constructing them as strangers, when sexual minorities are discussed in today´s Russia. Sexual deviants are portrayed as threats to the nation and are connected to the West and its influence. Using analytical tools from queer theory, security studies and postcolonial approaches I discuss different ways of configuring the relation between nation and sexuality, identities that are interwoven in the homophobic narrative.

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